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Richard III /

Textual Notes: Richard III

The reading of the present text appears to the left of the square bracket. Unless otherwise noted, the reading to the left of the bracket is from F, the First Folio text (upon which this edition is based). Two exceptions are the passages (3.1.1–169 and 5.3.52–the end) where the present text is based on Q, the First Quarto of 1597. For those passages the reading to the left of the bracket is, unless otherwise noted, from Q. The earliest sources of readings not in F or Q are indicated as follows: Q2 is the Second Quarto of 1598; Q3 is the Third Quarto of 1602; Q4 is the Fourth Quarto of 1605; Q5 is the Fifth Quarto of 1612; Q6 is the Sixth Quarto of 1622; Ed. is an earlier editor of Shakespeare, beginning with the anonymous editor(s) of the Second Folio (1632). No sources are given for emendations of punctuation or for corrections of obvious typographical errors, like turned letters that produce no known word. SD means stage direction; SP means speech prefix; uncorr. means the first or uncorrected state of F or Q; corr. means the second or corrected state of F or Q; ~ stands in place of a word already quoted before the square bracket; ^ indicates the omission of a punctuation mark.

1.1] F; not in Qq, which have no act or scene divisions
1. SP RICHARD] Ed.; omit F, Q
13. lute] F; loue Q
17. wanton] wonton F; wanton Q
26. see] F; spie Q
32. inductions] F; inductious Q
38. up^] ~: F; ~, Q
40. murderer] F; murtherers Q
42. SD Enter . . . Brakenbury] Ed.; Enter Clarence, and Brakenbury, guarded. F; Enter Clarence with a gard of men. Q
43. day] F; dayes Q
46. appointed] F; Q corr.; appo nted Q uncorr.
48 and hereafter to
54. should be] F; shalbe Q
56. for] Q; but F
65. Hath] F; Haue Q
68. she^] ~. F; ~, Q
69. tempers] Q; tempts Q2, 4–6, F; temps Q3; this] Q  this harsh F
71. Woodeville] Ed.; Wooduile Q; Woodeulle F
75. secure] F; is securde Q
79. to her] Q; omit F  his] Q; her F
87. our] F; this Q
91. your] F; his Q
96. jealous] F (iealious)
105. to] F; he Q
105. alone.] Q; alone. Bro. What one my Lord? | Glo. Her husband knaue, wouldst thou betray me? Q2–6, F
106. do] F only
118. else] F; omit Q
120. SD Clarence] F (Clar.), Q
128. the] Q1–2; this Q3–8, F
136. eagles] F; Eagle Q
137. prey] Q; play F
142. Saint] F (S.)
142. John] F; Paul Q
142. that] F; this Q
146. Where] F; What Q

0. SD F; Enter Lady Anne with the hearse of Harry the 6. Q
1. SP ANNE] F; Lady An. Q
1. load] F; lo Q
11. hand] F; hands Q
12. wounds] F; holes Q
13. these] F; those Q
15. O, cursèd . . . holes] F; Curst . . . fatall holes Q
16. Cursèd the] F; Curst be the Q
17. F only  Cursèd] Cnrsed F
20. wolves, to spiders] F; adders, spiders Q
26. F only
28. More] F; As Q
29. Than . . . young] F; As . . . poore Q
32. this] F; the Q
33. SD Enter . . . Gloucester] F; Enter Glocester. Q
35 and hereafter in this scene. SP ANNE] F; La. Q
37. Villains] F; Villaine Q  Saint] Ed.; QF (S.)
40. stand] Q; Stand’st F
42. Saint] F (S.)
62. deeds] F; deed Q  inhuman] F, Q (inhumane)
74. nor law] F; no law Q
77. truth] F; troth Q
80. crimes] F; euils Q
82. a] Q; omit F
83. Of] F; For Q
90. shalt] F; shouldst Q
92. That] F; Which Q
94. Then . . . slain] F; Why then they are not dead Q
98. hands] F; hand Q
100. murd’rous] F; bloudy Q
104. That] F; Which Q
106. That . . . dream’st] F; Which . . . dreamt Q
108. you] F (ye); yea Q
112. better] F; fitter Q
125. something] F; somewhat Q
129. wast] F; art Q
131. that] F; which Q
133. live] F; rest Q
135. rend] Q, F (rent)
137. not . . . that] F; neuer . . . sweet Q
138. it] F; them Q
139. sun] F (Sunne); sonne Q
145. thee] F; you Q
147. killed] F; slew Q
148. thee] F (the)
151. He] F; Go to, he Q  thee] F; you Q
155. SP RICHARD] Rieh. F; Glo. Q
157. SD spits at him.] F; Shee spitteth at him. Q
169. aspects] F; aspect Q
170–82. F only
184. smoothing] F; soothing Q  word] F; words Q
187. SD F only
188. lip] F; lips Q  it was] F; they were Q
192. breast] F; bosome Q
195. SD F only
196. for . . . Henry] F; twas I that kild your husband Q
198–99. stabbed young Edward] F; kild King Henry Q
200. SD F; Here she lets fall the sword. Q
203. thy] F; the Q
206. That] F; Tush that Q
208. This] F; That Q
214. was man] Q; man was F, Q3–6
217. shalt thou] F; shall you Q
220. SP Q (Glo.); not in F
221. Q (La.); not in F
222. my] F; this Q
225. servant] F; suppliant Q
229. may] F; would Q  you] F; thee Q
230. most] F; more Q
231. House] F; place Q
244. SD F; Exit. Q
245. SP GENTLEMAN] F (Gent.); Glo. Sirs take vp the corse. | Ser. Q
246. SD F; Exeunt. manet Gl. Q, 1 line later
253. my] F; her Q
256. no friends] F; nothing Q  at all] Q; withall F, Q3–6
258. her,] ~? F
267. abase] F; debase Q
271. halts] F; halt Q  misshapen] F; vnshapen Q
277. a] F; some Q

0. SD Queen Elizabeth] Ed.; the Queene Mother F; Queene Q  Lord Grey] F; Gray Q
4. it^ ill,] F, Q2–6; ~, ~ ^ Q
6. with] F, Q2–6; omit Q
6. eyes] F; words Q
7 and hereafter. SP QUEEN ELIZABETH] Ed.; Qu. F, Q  on] F; of  Q
7. me?] Q; me? | If he were dead, what would betide on me? F
8. SP GREY] F; Ry. Q
9. harms] F; harme Q
18. comes . . . Lord] F; come . . . Lords Q; comes . . . Lords Q3–6
20 and hereafter in this scene. SP STANLEY] Ed.; Der. F; Dar. Q
21. lord] F (L.); Lo: Q
21. Derby,] ~. F
22. prayer] F; praiers Q
28. on] F; in Q
33. Are come] F; Came Q
34. What] F, Q3–6; With Q
37. Ay, madam] F; Madame we did Q
38, 39. Between] F; Betwixt Q
42. height] F; highest Q
42. SD Richard] F; Glocester Q
44. is it] F; are they Q
45. That] Thar F; That Q
48. look] F; speake Q
49. deceive] F; dcceiue Q
54. With] F; By Q
55. SP GREY] F; Ry. Q
55. who] F; whom Q
60. Grace] F; person Q
65. on] F; of Q
68. That] F; Which Q
68. action] F; actions Q
69. children, brothers] F; kindred, brother Q
70. that . . . ground] F; that thereby he may gather | The ground of your ill will and to remoue it Q
73. Jack] Iaeke F; Iacke Q
79. we] Q; I F
83. while great promotions] F; whilst many faire promotions Q
94. mean] F; cause Q
96. lord, for—] F; Lord. Q
101. desert] F; deserts Q
102. ay] F (I); yea Q
105. and] F only
110. Of] F; With Q
110. that oft I] F; I often Q
113. so baited . . . stormèd] F; thus taunted . . . baited Q
113. SD 1 line later F; placed as in Q; Queen] F; Qu. Q
115–30. SP QUEEN MARGARET] Q (Qu. Mar.); Mar. or Margaret. F
115. Him] F; thee Q
118. Q only
119. avouch ’t] F; auouch Q
120. F only
122. do] F only
123. killed’st] F; slewest Q
125, 130, 140. ay] F (I); yea Q
129. spent] F; spilt Q
129. own] owue F; owne Q
135. you] F; yours Q
136. this] F; now Q
147. Hie] F (High)
147. this] F; the Q
151. sovereign] F; lawfull Q
154. thereof] F; of it Q
157. you may] F; may you Q
159. As] Ed.; A F, Q
164. of] F (off)
165. am] F; being Q
172–74. F only
178. This] F; The Q
183. scorns] F; scorne Q
202. Should] F; Could Q
206. Though] F; If Q
208, 210. that] F; which Q
210. our] F; my Q
214. death] F; losse Q
223. his] F; your Q
226. thee?] F; ~^ Q
237. while] F; whilest Q
242. heavy mother’s] F; mothers heauy Q
244. detested—] F; detested & c. Q
249. I . . . mercy, then] F; Then I . . . mercy Q  did think] F; had thought Q
259. day] F; time Q
260. this] F; that Q
275. blasts] F, Q2–6; blast Q
279. touches] F; toucheth Q
280. Ay] F (I); Yea Q
283 and hereafter in this scene. SP QUEEN MARGARET] Q; Mar. F
289. is] F; was Q
290. Peace, peace] F corr.; Peɐce, peace F uncorr.; Haue done Q
294. my hopes by you] F; by you my hopes Q
296. that] F; my Q
297. Have done, have done] F; Haue done Q
298. kiss] kisse F corr.; kissc F uncorr.
300. noble] F; Princely Q
302. compass] Q; eompasse F
305. think] F; belieue Q
307. take heed] F; beware Q
310. rankle to the] F; rackle thee to Q
321. to] F; of Q
322. yours] F; your Q
323. SP BUCKINGHAM] F; Hast. Q
323. an] F; on Q
324. muse why] F; wonder Q
327. to her] F only
328. SP QUEEN ELIZABETH] Q (Qu.); Mar. F
329. Yet . . . her] F; But . . . this Q
334. thereof] F; of it Q
337. SD F only, 3 words later in F
338. SD F only
340. yours] F; you Q
340. gracious] F; noble Q
341. lords] Q (Lo:); Lord F
342. I . . . me] F; we . . . vs Q
343. We wait upon] F; Madame we will attend Q
343. SD Exeunt all but Gloster F; Exeunt man. Ri. Q
344. begin] F; began Q
345. abroach] abroaeh F; abroach Q
347. who . . . cast] F; whom . . . laid Q
349. Derby, Hastings] F; Hastings, Darby Q
350. tell them ’tis] F; say it is Q
352. it] F; me Q
353. Dorset] F; Vaughan Q
357. odd old . . . forth] F; old odde . . . out Q
358. SD F; Enter Executioners Q, 1 line later
361. thing] F; deede Q
362, 370. SP MURDERER] Ed.; Vil. F; Execu. Q
364. SP RICHARD] Ric. F corr.; Riu. F uncorr.
364. Well] F; It was well Q
370. Tut, tut] F; Tush feare not Q
372. go] F; come Q
373. fall] F; drop Q
375. straight] F only
376–77. F only
377. SP MURDERERS] F (Vil.); not in Q
377. SD Q only

0. SD F corr.; omit F uncorr.
0. and Keeper] F; Brokenbury Q
1, 8, 35, 43, 66, 77. SP KEEPER] F; Brok. Q
3. fearful dreams, of ugly sights] F; vgly sights, of gastly dreames Q
8. my lord? I pray you tell me] F; I long to heare you tell it Q
9–10. Methoughts . . . Burgundy] F; Me thoughts I was imbarkt for Burgundy Q
13. Thence] Q; There F, Q6
15. heavy] F; fearefulll Q
19. falling] F; stumbling Q
22. O Lord] F; Lord, Lord Q
23. waters] Q; water F, Q6
23, 24. my] Q; mine F, Q2–6
24. sights of ugly death] F; vgly sights of death Q
25. Methoughts] F; Me thought Q
26. A] F; Ten Q
29. F only
30. the] F; those Q
33. That] F; Which Q
35. such] F; sueh Q
36. these] F; the Q
37–38. F; Me thought I had, for still the enuious floud Q
39. Stopped] F; Kept Q
40. find] F; seeke Q
42. Who] F; Which Q
43. in] F; with Q
44. No, no] F; O no Q
46. I] F; Who Q
47. sour] F; grim Q
51. spake] F; cried Q
54. with] F; in Q
55. shrieked] F; squakt Q
59. unto torment] F; to your torments Q
60. methoughts] Q; me thought F, Q2–6
61. me] F; me about Q
65. my] F; the Q
66. marvel] F; marueile my Q
67. I am afraid, methinks] F; I promise you, I am afraid Q
68. Ah keeper, keeper . . . these] F; O Brokenbury . . . those Q
69. That . . . give] F; Which . . . beare Q
71–74. F only
75. F; I pray thee gentle keeper stay by me Q
77. SD F only
78. SP F only
78. breaks] F, Q2–6; breake Q
82. imaginations] F; imagination Q
84. between . . . name] F; betwixt . . . names Q
85. SD F; The murtherers enter. Q
86. F only
87. SP F only
87. What . . . cam’st thou] F; In Gods name what are you and how came you Q
89. SP F; Execu. Q
91. What] F; Yea, are you Q
92. SP F; 2 Exe. Q
92. ’Tis . . . tedious] F; O sir, it is better to be briefe then tedious Q
93. Let him see . . . and talk] F; Shew him . . . talke Q
93. SD Brakenbury reads] Ed.; Reads F; He readeth it. Q
97. from] F; of Q
98. F; Here are the keies, there sits the Duke a sleepe Q
99. F; Ile to his Maiesty, and certifie his Grace Q
100. to you my charge] F; my charge to you Q
101. SP F; Exe. Q
101. You . . . ’Tis] F; Doe so, it is Q
102. Fare . . . well] F only
102. SD 2 lines earlier in F; omit Q
103. I] Q; we F, Q3–6
105. He’ll say] F; then he will say Q
107–8. Why . . . Day] F; When he wakes, | Why foole he shall neuer wake till the iudgement day Q
114. warrant] F; warrant for it Q
115–16. the which . . . me] F; which . . . vs Q
117–18. F only
119. I’ll] F only
120. and] F only
121. Nay, I . . . little] F; I . . . while Q
122. this passionate humor of mine] F; my holy humor Q
123. tells] F; would tel Q
125. Faith] Q; omit F
129. Zounds] Q; Come F
132. O] F only
134. When] F; So when Q
136. ’Tis . . . matter] F only
138. What] F; How Q
139. it.] F; it, it is a dangerous thing Q
141. a man cannot swear] F; he cannot sweare Q
141–42. a man cannot lie] F; he cannot lie Q
144. a man] F; one Q
146. by chance] F only
147. of] F; of all Q
149. to himself] F; to | To himselfe Q
149. live] F; to liue Q
150. Zounds] Q only
151. Duke] Dkue F; Duke Q
153. but] F only
155. I . . . strong-framed] F; Tut, I . . . strong in fraud Q
156. me] F; me, I warrant thee Q
157–58. man . . . thy] F; fellow . . . his Q
158. fall to work] F; to this geere Q
159. on] F; ouer Q
160. throw him into] F; we wil chop him in Q
162. and] F only
164. F; Harke he stirs, shall I strike Q
165. F only
166. SP F; 2 Q
166. we’ll] F; first lets Q
168. SP F; I Q
170. SP F; 2 Q
172. SP F, Q5–6; 2 Q
174. SP F; 2 Q
176. F only
177. F; Tell me who are you, wherefore come you hither? Q
178. SP F; Am. Q
180. SP BOTH] F, Q (Am.)
180. Ay, ay] F (I, I); I Q
187. drawn . . . among] F; cald . . . from out Q
189. is . . . doth] F; are . . . doe Q
195–96. to . . . sins] Q; for any goodness F
200. our] F; the Q
201. vassals] F; Vassaile Q
202. table] F; tables Q
203. Will . . . then] F; and wilt thou then Q
205. hand] F; hands Q
207. hurl] F; throw Q
209. sacrament] F; holy sacrament Q
214. Unrippedst] Ed.; Vnrip’st F, Q
215. wast] F; wert Q
217. such] F; so Q
220. He . . . you] Why sirs, he . . . ye Q
221. that] F; this Q
222. avengèd . . . the] F; reuenged . . . this Q
223. F only
225. or] F; nor Q
231. our duty . . . faults] F; the diuell . . . fault Q
232. Provoke . . . slaughter] F; Haue brought . . . murder Q
233. If . . . do love] F; Oh if . . . loue Q
235. are] F; be Q
237. shall] F; will Q
243, 248. SP F; Am. Q
245. arm,] F; arme: | And chargd vs from his soule, to loue each other Q
247. of] Q; on F, Q6
250–51. Come . . . yourself] F; thou deceiu’st thy selfe Q
252. F; Tis he hath sent vs hither now to slaughter thee Q
253–54. he . . . | And] F; when I parted with him, | He Q
256. SP F; 2 Q
256. when . . . you] F; now . . . thee Q
257. Earth’s] F; worlds Q
258. SP F; I Q
258. Make] F, Q2–6; Makes Q
259. Have you . . . your souls] F; Hast thou . . . thy soule Q
261. are you . . . your own souls] F; art thou . . . thy owne soule Q
262. you will] F; thou wilt Q
263. they] F; he Q
264. the] F; this Q
267–71. F only
270. life?] ~, F
270. Ay] Ed.; as F
272. No] F only
276. thine] F; thy Q
279. F only
280–82. F; I thus, and thus: if this wil not serue, | Ile chop thee in the malmesey But, in the next roome Q
280. SD Stabs] F; He stabs Q
282. SD F only
283. dispatched] F; performd Q
284. hands] F; hand Q
285. murder] F; guilty murder done Q
285. SD F only
286–87. How . . . not] F; Why doest thou not helpe me Q
288. heavens] Q; Heauen F, Q6
288–289. you have been] F; thou art Q
294. Well, I’ll go . . . the] F; Now must I . . . his Q
295. Till that . . . give] F; Vntill . . . take Q
296. will] F; must Q
297. then] F; here Q
297. SD F; Exeunt. Q

0. SD  King Edward . . . Queen Elizabeth . . . Hastings] Ed.; the King . . . the Queene . . . Hastings, Catesby F; Enter King, Queene, Hastings, Ryuers, Dorcet, &c. Q
1 and hereafter in this scene. SP KING EDWARD] Ed; King. F, Q
1. Why] F only
1. have I] F; I haue Q
5. more in] Ed.; more to F; now in Q
5. to] F, Q corr.; from Q uncorr.
6. made] F; set Q
7. Rivers and Hastings] Q; Dorset and Riuers F
9. soul] F; heart Q
18. is . . . from] F; are . . . in Q
19. you,] F; your Q
23. There] F; Here Q
25–26. F only
29. I] F; I my Lord Q
31. wife’s] F (Wiues)
34. Upon your Grace] F; On your or yours Q
40. God] Q; heauen F
41. love] F; zeale Q
41. SD F only
45. blessèd] F; perfect Q
47. Here . . . Duke] F; here comes the noble Duke Q
47. SD F; Enter Glocest. Q, 2 lines earlier
51. Gloucester] F; Brother Q
54. lord] F; liege Q
58. unwittingly] Q; vnwillingly F
60. By] Q; To F
68. and you, Lord Rivers and of Dorset] F; Lo: Riuers, and Lord Gray of you Q
70. F only
78. lord . . . Highness] F; liege . . . Maiesty Q
81. so flouted] F; thus scorned Q
82. gentle] F; noble Q
82. SD F only
84. SP KING EDWARD] F (King); Ryu. Q
87. man] F; one Q
87. the] F; this Q
90. man] F; soule Q
91. wingèd] F, Q2–6; wingled Q
95. and] F; but Q
95. blood] F; blond Q
97. SD Earl of] F only
98 and hereafter in this scene. SP STANLEY] Ed.; Der. F; Dar. Q
100. hear me] F; grant Q
101. say . . . requests] F; speake . . . demaundst Q
106. that tongue] F; the same Q
107. killed] F; slew Q
108. bitter] F; cruell Q
109. wrath] F; rage Q
110. at] Q; and F
110. bade] Q; bid F
111. spoke of brotherhood? Who spoke of] F; spake of Brotherhood? who of Q
114. at] F; by Q
119. garments . . . did give] F; owne garments . . . gaue Q
122. plucked] F; puckt Q
125. slaughter] Slaughʇer F
133. once] onee F
133. beg] F; pleade Q
137. SD F; Exit. Q
137. SD King] F (K.)
137. SD Queen] Qneen F
138. fruits] F; fruit Q
142. Come . . . go] F; But come lets in Q
144. F only

0. SD F; Enter Dutches of Yorke, with Clarence Children Q
1. SP BOY] Q; Edw. F
1. Good . . . us] F; Tell me good Granam Q
3. SP F; Boy Q
3. you] Q; omit F
3. weep so oft] F; wring your hands Q
5. SP F; Gerl Q
6. orphans, wretches] F; wretches, Orphanes Q
7. were] F; be Q
8. both] F; much Q
11. sorrow . . . wail] F; labour, to weepe for Q
12. you conclude . . . he] F; Granam you conclude that he Q
13. mine . . . it] F; my . . . this Q
15. earnest] F; daily Q
16. F only
22. to it] F only
24. my uncle] F; he Q
25. pitied me] F; hugd me in his arme Q
25. cheek] F, Q2–5; checke Q
26. Bade . . . on] F; And bad . . . in Q
27. a] F; his Q
28. shape] F; shapes Q
29. visor . . . deep vice] F; visard . . . foule guile Q
30. ay] F; yea Q
34. SD (as “the Queene”) F; Enter the Quee. Q
41. thy] F; your Q
42. when . . . gone] F; now . . . witherd Q
43. that want their sap] F; the sap being gone Q
47. ne’er-changing night] F; perpetuall rest Q
48. I] Q; omit F
51. with] F; by Q
55. That] F; Which Q
57. left] F; left thee Q
58. husband] F; children Q
60. hands] F; limmes Q
61. Clarence and Edward] F; Edward and Clarence Q
62. Thine . . . but a moiety . . . moan] F; Then, . . . but moity . . . griefe Q
63. woes] F; plaints Q
64. Ah] F; Good Q
65. kindred] F; kindreds Q
66. SP DAUGHTER] F; Gerl Q
67. widow-dolor] F; widdowes dolours Q
69. complaints] F; laments Q
71. moon] F; moane Q
73. dear] F; eire Q
74, 77, 80. SP CHILDREN] F; Ambo Q
80. Were . . . so dear a loss] F; Was . . . a dearer losse Q
81. so . . . loss] F; a dearer losse Q
82. griefs] F; mones Q
83. is] F; are Q
84. an] F only
85. weep] Q; weepes F
86–87. and . . . weep] Q1–3, 5–6; omit F
89. Pour] F (Power)
90. lamentation] F; lamentations Q
91–103. F only
103. SD F; Enter Glocest. with others. Q
104. Sister] F; Madame Q
106. help our] F; cure their Q
110. breast] F; minde Q
111. Love,] ~^ F
114. that] F; why Q
116. heavy mutual] F; mutuall heauy Q
120. hates] F; hearts Q
121. together] F; etogether Q
124. fet] F; fetcht Q
126–45. F only
148, 159. Ludlow] Q; London F
149. sister] F; mother Q
150. this business.] F; this waighty business? | Ans. With all our hearts. Q
150. SD F; Exeunt man. Glo. Buck. Q
152. God’s] Q; God F
152. at home] F; behinde Q
155. Prince] F; King Q
158. as] F; like Q
159. SD F; omit Q

0. SD F; Enter two Citizens. Q
1. Good morrow, neighbor] F; Neighbour well met Q
3. SP Hear] F; I Heare Q
4. Yes] F; I Q
5. Ill] F; Bad Q
6. giddy] F; troublous Q
7. Neighbors, God speed] F; Good morrow neighbours Q
8. F only
9. the] F; this Q
10. F; I It doth. Q
15. Which] F; That Q
18. Henry] F; Harry Q
19. in] F; at Q
20. No . . . wot] F; no good my friend not so Q
24. Why, so . . . his] F; So . . . the Q
25, 26. his] F; the Q
27. emulation . . . be] F; emulation now, who shall be Q
30. sons . . . haught] F; kindred hauty Q
34. will be] F; shalbe Q
35. are seen] F; appeare Q
37. then] F; the Q
39. makes] F; make Q
42. hearts . . . fear] F; soules . . . bread Q
43. You cannot reason almost] F; Yee cannot almost reason Q
44. dread] F; feare Q
45. days] F; times Q
47. Ensuing] F catchword, Q; Pursuing F text
47. danger] F; dangers Q
48. water] F; waters Q
50. Marry, we were . . . Justices] F; We are . . . Iustice Q

0. SD Queen Elizabeth] Ed.; the Queene F; Enter Cardinall, Dutches of Yorke, Quee. young Yorke. Q
1 and hereafter in this scene. SP ARCHBISHOP] F; Car. Q
1. hear] Q; heard F, Q3–6
1. Stony Stratford] F; Northhampton Q
2. And . . . tonight] F; At Stonistratford will they be to night Q
7. Has] F; Hath Q
9. good] F; young Q
12. uncle] F, Q3–6; Nnckle Q
14. do] F only
23. his . . . true] F; this were a true rule Q
24. SP YORK] F; Car. Q
24. And . . . madam] F; Why Madame, so no doubt he is Q
25. he is] F; so too Q
25. yet] F; yer Q
28. To . . . mine] F; That should haue neerer toucht his growth then he did mine Q
29. young] F; prety Q
33. been] F; heene Q
34. this] F; so Q
36. wast] F; wert Q
38. parlous] F; Q (perilous)
39. SP DUCHESS] F; Car. Q
40. SD F; Enter Dorset. Q
41. a messenger . . . news] F; your sonne, Lo: M. Dorset. | What newes Lo: Marques Q
42 and hereafter in this scene. SP MESSENGER] F; Dor. Q
42. report] F; vnfolde Q
43. doth] F; fares Q
45. news] F; newes then Q
47. And, with] F; With Q
52. the] F; these Q
53. lord] F; Lady Q
54. ruin . . . my] F; downfall . . . our Q
56. jut] F; iet Q
57. aweless] F; lawlesse Q
58. blood] F; death Q
67. brother to brother] F only
68. to] F; against Q
70. Earth] F; death Q
72. F only
73. Stay, . . . go with] F; Ile go along with Q
80. Go] F; Come Q

0–169. This ed. is based on Q, not F, which here follows Q3 almost exactly.
0. SD Richard . . . Buckingham, the Cardinal, Catesby, and others.] Ed.; the Dukes of Glocester, and Buckingham, Cardinall, &c. Q; the Dukes of Glocester, and Buckingham, Lord Cardinall, with others. F
2. sovereign.] Q (~,); ~^ F
9. Nor] Q; No F
18, 20, 25, 26, 33, 36, 38, 45, 58, 59, 71, 75, 76, 98, 102, 103, 106, 128, 139, 143, 144, 152, 154, 165. lord] Q (Lo:)
19. SP MAYOR] Lo: M. Q, F
24. SD Lord Hastings] Q (L. Hast.)
41. in heaven] Q; omit F, Q3–6
44. deep] Q; great F, Q3–6
61. SD F, Q3–6 only, 1 line earlier
64 and hereafter to line
157. SP RICHARD] Ed.; Glo. Q, F
64. seems] Q; think’st F, Q3–6
79. all-ending] Q; ending F, Q2–6
87. valor] F; valure Q
88. this] Q; his F, Q2–6
95. SD Hastings] Q; Hastings, and F
97. Richard] Q (Rich.)
97. loving] Q; Noble F, Q3–6
98. dread] Q; deare F, Q3–6
113. cousin] Coscn Q
122. heavy] Q; weightie F, Q2–6
125. as] Q; as, as F, Q3
135–36. reasons! . . . uncle,] ~, . . . ~: Q
139. will ’t] Ed.; wilt Q, F
144. needs] Q; omit Q2–6
152. With] Q; and with F
153. SD A sennet. . . . Hastings exit.] A Senet. Exeunt . . . Hastings, and Dorset. F; Exeunt Prin. Yor. Hast. Dors. manet, Rich. Buck. Q
157. parlous] Q (perillous)
170. Will not he] F; what will he Q
173. far] F; a farre Q
174. doth stand . . . to] F; stands . . . Vnto Q
175–76. F only
177. F; if he be willing Q
178. tell] F; shew Q
180. the] F; your Q
184 and hereafter to
187. lord] F; friend Q
189. go] F only
190. lords] F; Lo: Q
190. can] F; may Q
193. House] F; place Q
193. SD F, Q3–6 only
195. Lord] F; William Lo: Q
196. head. Something . . . determine] F; head man, somewhat . . . doe Q
198. all] F only
199. was] F; stood Q
200. hand] F; hands Q
201. kindness] F; willingnes Q

0. SD the door of] F; Lo: Q
1. My lord, my lord] F; What ho my Lord Q
2. knocks] F; knockes at the dore Q
3. One] F; A messenger Q
4. What is ’t] F; Whats Q
5. SD 2 lines earlier in Q
6. my Lord Stanley] F; thy Master Q
7. appears] F; should seeme Q
8. self] F; Lordship Q
9. What] F; And Q
10. F; And then he sends you word Q
11. dreamt the boar had razèd off his] F; dreamt to night the beare had raste his Q
12. kept] F; held Q
17. you will presently] F; presently you will Q
18. with him toward] F; into Q
21. council] F; counsels Q
23. good friend] F; seruant Q
26. without] F; wanting Q
27. simple] F; fond Q
29. pursues] F; pursues vs Q
35. I’ll . . . tell] F; My gratious Lo: Ile tell Q
35. SD He exits.] F, Q3–6 only
40. believe will] F; beleeue it will Q
46. Before] F; Ere Q
48. Ay, on my life] F; Vpon my life my Lo: Q
54. my adversaries] F; mine enemies Q
60. which] F; who Q
62. Well, Catesby, ere . . . older] F; I tell thee Catesby. Cat. What my Lord? Hast. Ere . . . elder Q
68. that] F; who Q
74. Come on, come on] F; What my Lo: Q
79. you do] Q; omit F
80. days] F; life Q
81. so . . . as] F; more . . . then Q
85. were] F; was Q
88. stab] F; scab Q
90. What . . . spent] F; But come my Lo: shall we to the tower? Q
91. Come . . . lord] F; I go: but stay, heare you not the newes
92. Today . . . you] F; This day those men you Q
92. talked] Q; talke F, Q3–6
95. SD a Pursuivant] F; Hastin. a Purssuant Q
96. on] F; you Q
96. I’ll . . . fellow] F; Ile follow presently Q
96. SD F, Q3–6 only
97. How now, sirrah] F; Well met Hastings Q
98. your Lordship please] F; it please your Lo: Q
99. man] F; fellow Q
100. thou met’st me] F; I met thee Q
107. fellow . . . me] F; Hastings hold spend thou that Q
107. SD F; He giues him his purse. Q
108. I . . . Honor] F; God saue your Lordship Q
108. SD Pursuivant exits.] F, Q3–6 only
109. F only
110. I . . . heart] F; What Sir Iohn, you are wel met Q
111. I . . . debt . . . last exercise] F; I am beholding to you . . . last daies exercise Q
112. you] F; you. He whispers in his eare. Q
113. F only
114.  What . . . Chamberlain] F; How now Lo: Chamberlaine, what talking with a priest, Q
118. The] F; Those Q
119. toward . . . Tower] F; to the tower my Lord Q
120. do, my lord, but] F; doe, but Q
120. cannot stay there] F; shall not stay Q
122. Nay] F; ’Tis Q
124. will you go] F; shall we go along Q
125. F only

0. SD with . . . Pomfret.] F; with the Lo: Riuers, Gray, and Vaughan, prisoners Q
0. Pomfret. | RIVERS] F; prisoners. | Ratl. Come bring foorth the prisoners. | Ryu. Q
4. bless] F; keepe Q
6–7. F only
11. Richard] F; Richatd Q
12. seat] F; soule Q
13. to thee . . . blood] F; thee vp . . . blouds Q
15. F only
17–19. Richard . . . Hastings] F; Hastings . . . Richard Q
20. prayer] F; praiers Q
21. sons] F; sonne Q
22. blood] F; blouds Q
24. F; Rat. Come come dispatch, the limit of your linea is out Q
25. here] F; all Q
26. Farewell, until we meet again in] F; And take our leaue vntill we meete in Q

0. SD F; Enter the Lords to Councell. Q
1. Now . . . peers] F; My Lords at once Q
3. speak . . . the] F; say . . . this Q
4. Is . . . ready . . . the] F; Are . . . fitting . . . that Q
5 and hereafter in this scene. SP STANLEY] Ed.; Darb. F, Q
6. SP ELY] F; Ryu. Q
6. judge . . . day] F; guesse . . . time Q
9. ELY Your . . . think] F; Bi. Why you may Lo: me thinks you Q
11. We] F; Who I my Lo? we Q
11. for] F; But for Q
13. Or . . . lord] F; nor I no more of his Q
18. gracious] F; Graces Q
19. honorable lords] F; noble Lo: Q
21. SD 2 lines later in Q
22. In happy] F; Now in good Q
23. lords] F; L. Q
24. trust] F; hope Q
25. design] F; designes Q
27. you not] F; not you Q
27. cue] F (Q)
28. had] F; had now Q
31. well] F; well. | Hast. I thanke your Grace. Glo. Q
32. Ely] F; Elie. Bish. My Lo: | Glo. Q
35. ELY . . . heart] F; Bish. I go my Lord Q
35. SD F only
36. of] F only
39. That] F; As Q
40. child . . . worshipfully] F; sonne . . . worshipfull Q
42. yourself . . . with] F; you hence my Lo: Ile follow Q
42. SD Exeunt F; Ex. Gl. Q
44. my judgment] F; mine opinion Q
47. the . . . Gloucester] F; protector Q
49–50. this morning] F; to day Q
52. that he bids . . . such] F; he doth bid . . . such a Q
54. Can] F; That can Q
57. livelihood] F; likelihood Q
59. were he, he had shown] F; if he were, he would haue shewen Q
59. looks] F; lookes. | Dar. I pray God he be not, I say. Q
59. SD F; Enter Glocester. Q
60. tell me what] F; what doe Q
65. princely] F; noble Q
66. whosoe’er] F; whatsoeuer Q
68. their evil] F; this ill Q
69. Look] F; See Q
71. And this is] F; This is that Q
74. deed, my noble] F; thing my gratious Q
76. Talk’st thou to me] F; Telst thou me Q
77. I swear] F only
78–79. until . . . done] F; to day I sweare | Vntill I see the same, some see it done Q
80. rise] F; come Q
80. SD They exit.] 1 line earlier in F.
80. SD Lovell . . . Hastings] F; manet Cat. with Ha. Q
83. raze his helm] Q; rowse our Helmes F
84. And I did scorn . . . disdain] F; But I disdaind . . . did scorne Q
86. started] F; startled Q
88. need] F; want Q
90. too . . . how] F; twere . . . at Q
91. Today] F; How they Q
95. Come, come, dispatch] F; Dispatch my Lo: Q
98. grace of mortal] F; state of worldly Q
99. God] F; heauen Q
100. hope . . . good] F; hopes . . . faire Q
104–7. F only
109. who] F; that Q

0. SD F; Enter Duke of Glocester and Buckingham in armour. Q
4. again begin] F; beginne againe Q
5. were] F; wert Q
6. Tut, I] F; Tut feare not me. | I Q
8. F only
12. At any time] F only
13. F only
14. F; Here comes the Maior Q
14. SD F; Enter Maior. Q 2 lines earlier
15. F; Let me alone to entertaine him. Lo: Maior, Q
17. F; The reason we haue sent for you. Q
19. F; Harke, I heare a drumme. Q
21. innocence] Q; Innocencie F, Q2–6
21. and guard] F only
21. SD F; Enter Catesby with Hast. head. Q
22. F; Glo. O, O, be quiet, it is Catesby. Q
23. SP LOVELL] F; Cat. Q
26. creature] F; man Q
27. the] F; this Q
27. Christian.] F; christian, | Looke ye my Lo: Maior Q
33. lived . . . suspects] F; laid . . . suspect Q
36. imagine] F; haue imagined Q
37. Were ’t] Ed.; Wert F, Q
37. that] F only
38. it, that the] F; it you? The Q
39. This . . . plotted] F; Had this day plotted Q
41. F; What, had he so? Q
44. in] F; to Q
49. your good Graces] F; you my good Lords Q
53. Yet] F; Dut. Yet Q
53. we not] F; not we Q
54. end] F; death Q
55. loving] F; longing Q
56. Something . . . meanings] F; Somewhat . . . meaning Q
57. I] F; we Q
59. treasons] F; treason Q
63. words] F; word Q
64. and] F; or Q
65. do not doubt] F; doubt you not Q
66. our] F; your Q
67. case] F; cause Q; ease Q6
69. censures . . . carping  world]  F; carping censures . . . world Q
70. Which . . . intent] F; But . . . intents Q
71–72. you hear . . . farewell] F; we did intend, and so my Lord adue Q
72. SD 1 line later in Q
73. Go] F only
75. meetest vantage] F; meet’st aduantage Q; meetest aduantage Q6
83. unto] F; to Q
85. raging] F; lustfull Q
86. lusted . . . a] F; listed . . . his Q
91. true] F; iust Q
95. Yet] F; But Q
96. my lord, you know] F; you know, my Lord Q
97. Doubt] F; Feare Q
99. And . . . adieu] F only
103–4. F; About three or foure a clocke look to heare | What news Guildhall affordeth, and so my Lord farewell Q
104. SD 4 lines later in Q
105–8. F only
106. Penker] Ed.; Peuker F
108. SD F only
109. go] F; in Q
111. order] F; notice Q
111. manner person] F, Q3–6; manner of person Q
112. Have . . . recourse] F; At any tyme haue recourse Q
112. SD Q; Exeunt. F

0. SD Scrivener] F; Scriuener with a paper in his hand. Q
1. Here] F; This Q
3. today] F; this day Q
5. have] F only
6. sent] F; brought Q
8. Hastings lived] F; liued Lord Hastings Q
10. Who is] F; Why whoes Q
11. cannot see] F; sees not Q
12. who] F; whoes Q
12. bold] F; blinde Q
14. ill] F; bad Q

0. SD F; Enter Glocester at one doore, Buckingham at another. Q
1. How now, how now] F; How now my Lord Q
3. say] F; and speake Q
5–6. his contract . . . France] F only
7. desire] F; desires Q
8. F only
11. F only
18. your] F; the Q
20. mine] Q; my F, Q3–6
20. drew . . . end] F; grew to an ende Q
23. And] F; A and Q
24. they . . . word] F only
26. Stared] F; Gazde Q
29. used] F; wont Q
34. spoke] F; spake Q
36. At lower] F; At the lower Q
38. F only
39. gentle] F; louing Q
40. cheerful] F; louing Q
41. wisdoms] Q; wisdome F, Q3–6
42. even here] F; so Q
44. speak?] F; speake? | Buc. No by my troth my Lo: | Glo. Q
46. SP BUCKINGHAM] F, Q3–6; Glo. Q
46. Intend] F; and intend Q
47. you spoke with but by] F; spoken withall, but with Q
49. between] F; betwixt Q
50. make] F; build Q
51. And] F only
51. requests] F; request Q
52. still . . . and] F; say no, but Q
53. I . . . plead] F; Feare not me, if thou canst pleade Q
55. we] F; weele Q
56. F; You shal see what I can do, get you vp to the leads. Q
56. SD Richard exits.] Q (Exit.)
56. SD Enter . . . Citizens.] F only
57. Welcome, my lord] F; Now my L. Maior Q
59. Now] Ed.; Buck. Now F
59. F; Here coms his seruant: how now Catesby what saies he. Q
60. He . . . lord] F; My Lord, he doth intreat your grace Q
64. worldly suits] F; world-1y suite Q
66. the gracious duke] F; thy Lord againe Q
67. aldermen] F; Cittizens Q
68. in matter] F; and matters Q
71. F; Ile tell him what you say my Lord Q
73. love-bed] F; day bed Q
79. virtuous] F; gracious Q
80. his Grace . . . thereof] F; himselfe . . . thereon Q
81. not] F; neuer Q
82. defend] F; forbid Q
83. Here . . . again] F only
84. Now . . . Grace] F; how now Catesby, | What saies your Lord? Q
85. He] F; My Lo. he Q
86. come to] F; speake with Q
88. He . . . lord] F; My Lord, he feares Q
91. we . . . love] F; I come in perfect loue to him Q
91. perfect] F (perfit)
92. SD Catesby] Q only
94. much] F; hard Q
95. SD F; Enter Rich. with two bishops a loste. Q
96. his Grace] F; he Q
99–100. F only
102. ear] F; eares Q
102. requests] F; request Q
106. I . . . to] F; I rather do beseech you Q
108. Deferred] F; Neglect Q
113. eye] F; eies Q
115. might] F only
117. On] F; At Q
117. your] F; that Q
119. Know, then] F; Then know Q
122. F only
127. The] F; This Q
127. her] Q; his F
128. Her] Q; His F
129. F only
129. Her] Ed.; His F
131. dark] F; blind Q
131. deep] F; darke Q
133. charge] F; soueraingtie thereof Q
134. F only
140. friends] F; frinds Q
142. cause] F; suite Q
143. I . . . if] F; I know not whether Q
146–55. F only
160. the] F; my Q
160. of] F; by Q
163. That I would] F; As I had Q
168. were there need] F; if need were Q
173. that] F; what Q
176. SP BUCKINGHAM] F; Buek. Q
181. was he] F; he was Q
182. his] F; that Q
185. off] F; by Q
186. to . . . sons] F; of . . . children Q
189. wanton] F; lustfull Q
190. his degree] F; al his thoughts Q
193. call] F; terme Q
197. good^ my lord] ~, ~ ~ F
200. forth . . . ancestry] F; out your royall stocke Q
201. times] F; time Q
204. F only
206. this care] F; these cares Q
207. majesty] F; dignitie Q
214. kindred] F; kin Q
216. know, whe’er] F; whether Q
216, 231. whe’er] F (where)
221. Zounds, I’ll] Q; we will F
222. Q only
222. SD F only
223. him again, sweet prince. Accept] F; them againe, my lord, and accept Q
224. F; Ano. Doe, good my lord, least all the land do rew it. Q
225. Will . . . cares] F; Would . . . care Q
226. Call] F; Well, call Q
227. entreaties] F; intreates Q
228. SD F only
229. sage] F; you sage Q
233. foul] F; soule Q
237. doth know] F; he knowes Q
238. of this] F; thereof Q
241. royal] F; kingly Q
242. Richard] Q; King Richard F, Q3–6
242. worthy] F; royall Q
243. SP ALL] F; M yor Q
244. may] F; will Q
245. please, for] F; will, since Q
247. F only
248. work] F; taske Q
249. my] F; good Q
249. cousin] Q; Cousins F

0. SD Queen Elizabeth] Ed.; Quee. mother Q; Enter the Queene, Anne Duchess of Gloucester, the Duchess of Yorke, and Marquess Dorset. F
1 and hereafter in this scene. SP DUCHESS] Ed.; Duch. Yorke. F; Duch. or Du.yor. Q
2–4. F only
5. Daughter] F; Qu. Sister Q
6–8. God . . . sister] F only
8. away] F; awaie so fast Q
9. SP ANNE] F; Duch. Q
11. gentle] F; tender Q
12. SD the] F only
15. How . . . York] F; How fares the Prince Q
16 and hereafter. SP BRAKENBURY] Ed.; Lieu. F, Q
16. Right . . . patience] F; Wel Madam, and in health, but by your leaue Q
17. them] F; him Q
18. strictly] F; straightlie Q
19. Who’s] F; whie, whose Q
20. I] F; I crie you mercie, I Q
22. between] F; betwixt Q
23. shall bar] F; should keepe Q
25 and hereafter in this scene. SP ANNE] F; Duch.glo. or Duch. Q
26. bring . . . sights] F; feare not thou Q
28. No . . . so] F; I doe beseech your graces all to pardon me Q
29. and . . . me] F; I may not doe it Q
29. SD Lieutenant exits] F only
29. SD Stanley] F; L. Stanlie Q
30. one] F; an Q
33. straight] F; go with me Q
36. asunder] F; in sunder Q
38. swoon] F; sound Q
39. F only
40. Be . . . cheer, mother.] Ed; Be . . . cheare: Mother, F; Madam, haue comfort Q
41. gone] F; hence Q
42. dogs] F; dogge Q
42. thy] F; the Q
52. hours] F; time Q
53. from] F; ftom Q
54. In . . . way] F; To meete you on the way, and welcome you Q
58. hatched . . . the] F; hatch . . . thc Q
60. come. I] F; I Q
61. with] F; in Q
62. O . . . that] F; I . . . thar Q
64. brains] F; braine Q
65. venom] F; poyson Q
67. Go, go] F; Alas Q
68. thyself] F; rhy selfe Q
69. Why] F only
74. dear] F; dead Q
75. Richard’s] F; Richatds Q
80. More . . . life] F; As . . . death Q
81. Than] F; As Q
83. Within . . . time] F; Euen in so short a space Q
85. mine] F; my Q
86. hitherto . . . held . . . rest] F; euer since . . . kept . . . sleepe Q
86. my] Q; mine F, Q6
88. Did I enjoy] F; Haue I enioyed Q
89. with . . . awaked] F; haue bene waked by his timerous dreames Q
92. Poor heart, adieu . . . complaining] F; Alas poore soule . . . complaints Q
93. with] F; from Q
95. that] F; thou Q
98. tend] F; garde Q
99. and] F only
104–10. SD. F only

0. SD F; The Trumpets sound. Enter Richard crownd, Buckingham, Catesby, with other Nobles. Q
1 and hereafter to
5.3.50. SP RICHARD] F; King or King Ri. Q
2. F only
3. SD Here . . . throne.] Q only; Sound] F only
6. glories] F; honours Q
8. let them] F; may they Q
11. speak] F; say Q
12. loving lord] F; gracious soueraigne Q
14. lord] F; liege Q
19. wast] F; wert Q
22. now] F only
26. little . . . lord] F; breath, some little pause my lord Q
27. in this] F; herein Q
28. you . . . presently] F; your grace immediatlie Q
28. SD Buckingham] Buck. F; omit Q
29. gnaws his] F; bites the Q
33–34. High-reaching . . . circumspect.— | Boy] F; Boy, high reaching . . . circumspect Q
35 and hereafter. SP PAGE] F; Boy Q
37. Will] F; Would Q
38. I] F; My lord, I Q
39. spirit] F; mind Q
44. I . . . man] F only
44. boy] F; presentlie Q
46. counsels] F; counsell Q
48. Well . . . so] F only
48. SD Stanley] F; Darby Q
49. Lord . . . news] F; what neewes vvith you Q
50. SP STANLEY] F; Darby Q
50–52. F; My Lord, I heare the Marques Dorset | Is fled to Richmond, in those partes beyond the seas where he | abides. Q
53. Come. . . . Rumor] F; Catesby. Cat. My Lord. | King. Rumor Q
54. very grievous sick] F; sicke and like to die Q
56. poor] F; borne Q
60. queen] F; wife Q
72. lord] F; soueraigne Q
74. Please you] F; I my Lord Q
75. then] F; there Q
76. disturbers] F; disturbs Q
81. Hark] F only
82. this] F; that Q
82. SD whispers] he wispers in his eare Q
83. There is] F; Tis Q
83. it is] F, Q3–5; is it Q
84. for it] F; too Q
85. I. . . . Buckingham] F; Tis done my gracious lord. | King. Shal we heare from thee Tirrel ere we sleep? Enter Buc. | Tir. Ye shall my lord Q
87. request] F; demand Q
88. rest] F; passe Q
89. the] F; that Q
90. wife’s] F (Wiues)
90. son] F; sonnes Q
90. unto] F; to Q
91. the] F; your Q
93. Hereford] Q; Hertford F
94. Which . . . promisèd] F; The which you promised Q
94. shall] F; should Q
97. request] F; demand Q
98. I . . . me] F; As I remember Q
101. perhaps] F; perhaps, perhaps Q
102–22. Q only
102, 111. lord—] ~. Q
103–19. SP RICHARD] Ed.; King. Q
105. earldom—] ~. Q
122. Why . . . no] Q; May it please you to resolue me in my suit F
123. Thou] F; Tut, tut, thou Q
124. And . . . thus] F; Is it euen so Q
124. Repays . . . deep] F; rewardst . . . true Q
125. contempt] F; deepe contempt Q

0. SD Tyrrel] F; Sir Francis Tirrell Q
1. act] F; deed Q
2. arch deed] F; arch-act Q
4. who] F; whom Q
5. this piece of ruthless] Ed.; this peece of ruthfull F; this ruthles peece of Q
6. Albeit] F; Although Q
7. Melted . . . mild] F; Melting . . . kind Q
8. two] F (to); two Q
8. story] F; stories Q
9. O . . . the gentle] F; Lo . . . those tender Q
11. alabaster innocent] F (Alablaster); innocent alablaster Q
13. And] F; Which Q
15. once] Q; one F
18. When] F; Whilst Q
20. she] F; he Q
21. Hence] F; Thus Q
23. bear] F; bring Q
23. SD Richard] F; Ki. Richard Q
24. health . . . lord] F; haile . . . leige Q
26. gave] F, Q3–6; giue Q
28. done] F; done my Lord Q
33. where . . . truth] F; how or in what place Q
34. SP RICHARD] F; Tir. Q
34. Tyrrel] F (Tirrel); Tirre! Q
34. at] Q; and F
35. When] F; And Q
36. thee] F (the); thee Q
38. then] F; soone Q
39. F only
39. SD Q only, 2 lines earlier
43. this] F; the Q
44 and hereafter. Breton] F (Britaine or Brittaine)
46. on] F; ore Q
47. go I] F; I go Q
47. SD Ratcliffe] F; Catesby Q
48 and hereafter in this scene. SP RATCLIFFE] F; Cat. or Cates. Q
49. Good . . . news] F; Good newes or bad Q
50. Morton] F; Ely Q
54. strength] F; armie Q
55. learned] F; heard Q
57. leads] leds F; leades Q
60. Go] F; Come Q

0. Scene 4] Ed.; Scena Tertia F
0. SD old Queen Margaret] F; Queene Margaret sola Q
1 and hereafter. SP QUEEN MARGARET] Q (Qu. Mar.); Mar. F
4. enemies] F; adversaries Q
9. SD F; Enter the Qu. and the Dutchesse of Yorke Q
10. poor] F; young Q
11. unblown] Q; vnblowed F
18–20 follow line
36 in
Q, where F’s still and mute reads mute and dumbe
21–22. F only
27. Dead . . . sight] F; Blind sight, dead life Q
30. F only
32. innocent] F; innocents Q
33. as soon] F; aswel Q
36. we] F; I Q
37. reverend] F, Q (reuerent)
38. seigniory] F (signeurie); signorie Q
39. griefs] F; woes Q
39. hand.] ~^ F
41. Q only
43. husband] F; Richard Q
47. holp’st] Q3–6; hop’st F, Q
52. blood] F; blouds Q
53–54. F only, there placed in reverse order after line
61. wife] F, Q2–6; wifes Q
65. killed] F; stabd Q
66. Thy] Q; The F
68. Matched] F; Match Q
69. stabbed] F; kild Q
70. frantic] F; tragicke Q
75. at hand, at hand] F; at hand at handes Q
78. from hence] F; away Q
80. and] F; to Q
89. fair] F; sweete Q
90–92. what . . . bubble] F; which thou wert a breath, a bubble, / A signe of dignitie, a garish flagge, /
To be the aime of euerie dangerous shot Q
95. are] Q; be F, Q3–6
95. two sons] F; children Q
96. and kneels and says] F; to thee, and cries Q
103 after line
104 in
Q to] F (too)
105. she] F; one Q
106. F only
107. after line
103 in
Q, where F’s she reads one
108. whirled] F; whe’eld Q
110–11. wast^ . . . art.] ~. . . . ~, F; wert, . . . ~, Q
115. weary] Q; wearied F, Q6
115. head] F; necke Q
118. shall] F; will Q
121. nights . . . days] Q; night . . . day F, Q3–6
123. sweeter] F; fairer Q
131. their clients’] F; your Client Q
132. intestate] Q; intestine F
134. will] F; do Q
135. nothing else] F; not at al Q
138. that] F; which Q
139. The . . . sounds] F; I heare his drum Q
139. SD F;
Enter K. Richard marching with Drummes and Trumpets. Q
140. me in] F only
142. accursèd] aceursed F; accursed Q
145. Where] Q; Where ’t F
145. branded] F; grauen Q
147. poor] F; two Q
151. the gentle] F; kind Hastings Q
152. F only
155. SD F; The trumpets Q
157. clamorous] F; clamorus Q
163. That] F; Which Q
164–65. F only
166. words] F; speach Q
169. torment and in agony] F; anguish, paine and agonie Q
178. sly, and bloody] F; bloudie, trecherous Q
179. F only
181. with] F; in Q
185. eye] F; sight Q
186. you, madam] F; your grace Q
187. F only
188–92. I . . . So] F; Du. O heare me speake for I shal neuer see thee more. | King. Come, come, you art too bitter Q
194. Ere] F; Eeare Q
196. nevermore behold] F; neuer looke vpon Q
197. grievous] F; heauy Q
203. victory] F; victoric Q
208. her] F; all Q
209. talk] F; speake Q
210. more] F, Q2–6; moe Q
211. slaughter.] F; murther^ Q
220. of] F; from Q
222. a royal princess] F; of roiall bloud Q
223. say] F; faie Q
224. safest only] F; onlie safest Q
226. birth] F; births Q
227. ill] F; bad Q
232–45. F only
232. cousins.] ~? F
235. launched] F (lanch’d)
246–47. enterprise . . . wars] F; dangerous attempt of hostile armes Q
249. or] Q; and F, Q6
249. by . . . harmed] F; were by me wrongd Q
250. the] F; rhe Q
252. gentle] F; mightie Q
254. Unto . . . fortune] F; No to . . . honor Q
256. sorrow] F; sorrowes Q
259. ay] F; yea Q
264. the] F; thc Q
265. date] F; doe Q
274. do intend] F; meane Q
275. Well] F; Saie Q
276. else should be] F; should be else Q
278. Even . . . it] F; I euen I, what thinke you of it Maddame Q
280. would I] Q; I would F, Q3–6
281. being] F; that are Q
285. hearts;] F (:); ~^ Q
286. will she] F; she wil Q
287. sometime] F, Q3–6; sometimes Q
288. steeped] F; a handkercher steept Q
289–90. F only
291. wipe] F; drie Q
291. withal] F; therewith Q
292. move] F; force Q
293. letter . . . deeds] F; storie . . . acts Q
295. ay] F; yea Q
297. You . . . madam] F; Come, come, you mocke me Q
297. is] Q only
302–56. F only
338. Of ten times] Ed.; Oftentimes F
359. Tell her . . . that] F; Saie that . . . which Q
362. vail] F; waile Q
365. life’s] F, Q (liues)
367, 368. As] F; So Q
368. and] F corr.; end F uncorr.
369. low] F; loue Q
373. plainly . . . tell] F; in plaine termes tell her Q
375. Your] F; Madame, your Q
375. 2too] F (to); too Q
377. graves] F; graue Q
378–79. Q;
379–78 F
382. swear—] ~. F; sweare by nothing Q
384–86. Thy] F; The Q
384. lordly] F; holie Q
386. glory] F; dignitie Q
387. wouldst] F; wilt Q
390–91. F; after line
395 in
Q, reading “King. Then by my selfe. | Qu. Thy selfe, thy selfe misusest.”
392–93. F; after line
389 in
395. it] F; that Q
396. God] Q; Heauen F
397. God’s] Q; Heanens F
398. didst fear . . . with] F; hadst feard . . . by Q
399. husband] F; brother Q
400. Thou . . . died] F; Had not bene broken, nor my brother slaine Q
402. head] F; brow Q
405. bedfellows] F; plaie-fellowes Q
406. the] F; a Q
407. F only
408. The] F; By the Q
409. the] F only
411. past . . . thee] F; by the past wrongd Q
412. fathers] F; parents Q
414. in] Q; with F, Q5–6
417. barren] F; withered Q
419. times ill-used] F; time misused Q
419. o’erpast] Q; repast F
421. affairs] F; attempt Q
423. F only
426. proceeding . . . dear] F; proceedings . . . pure Q
430. myself and thee] F; this land and me Q
431. Herself, the land] F; To thee her selfe Q
432. Death] F; Sad Q
434. by] F, Q2–6; omit Q
435. dear] F; good Q
438. my] F; by Q
440. peevish found] F; pieuish, fond Q
442. you] F; thee Q
445. Yet] F; But Q
446. daughter’s] daughtcrs F; daughters Q
446. bury] F, Q3; buried Q
446. them,] ~. F; ~, Q
447. will] F; shall Q
448. recomforture] F; recomfiture Q
452. F only
453. and so] F only
453. SD Queen] Ed.; Q. F, which prints SD 1 line earlier; Exit. Q, placed here
454. SD 1 line later in F; Enter Rat. Q, placed here
455. F only
456. Most mighty] F; My gracious Q
457. our shores] F; the shore Q
466. good] F only
467. Catesby] F only
468–69. CATESBY . . . hither] F only
469. Ratcliffe] Ed; Catesby F
469. to] F; thou to Q
470. thither] F; there Q
472. stay’st . . . here] F; standst . . . still Q
473. liege . . . pleasure] F; Soueraigne, let me know your minde Q
474. to him] F; them Q
476. that] F only
477. suddenly] F; presentlie Q
478. SD. F only
479. may . . . I] F; is it your highnes pleasure, I shall Q
482. changed] F; changd sir, my minde is changd Q
482. SD F; Enter Darbie Q, 1 line later
483. Stanley] F; How now Q
484 and hereafter in this scene. SP STANLEY] F; Dar. Q
484. None ^ good,] Ed.; ~, ~^ F; ~^ ~^ Q
484. liege] F; Lord Q
485. well . . . reported] F; it may well be told Q
487. What need’st . . . miles] F; Why doest . . . mile Q
488. the nearest] F; a neerer Q
494. Well . . . guess] F; Well sir, . . . guesse, as you guesse Q
495. Morton] F; Elie Q
496. here] F; there Q
501. makes] F; doeth Q
501. seas] F; sea Q
506. my good lord] F; mightie liege Q
508. be] F; are Q
512. me] F; Richard Q
514. king] F; soueraigne Q
515. Pleaseth] F; Please it Q
518. Ay] F; I, I Q
519. But I’ll . . . thee] F; I will . . . you Sir Q
523. Go . . . but] F; Well, go muster men, but heare you Q
524. heart] F; faith Q
526. SD Stanley exits.] F only
529. Edward] F; William Q
530. elder brother] F; brother there Q
532. In . . . liege] F; My Liege, in Kent Q
534. the . . . strong] F; their aide, and still their power increaseth Q
535. great] F; the Duke of Q
535. Buckingham—] ~. F
536. SD 1 line earlier in Q
537. There . . . bring] F; Take that vntill thou bring me Q
538. The . . . Majesty] F; Your grace mistakes, the newes I bring is good Q
539. Is . . . floods . . . waters] F; My newes is . . . floud . . . water Q
540. Buckingham’s] F; The Duke of Buckinghams Q
541. wandered away alone] F; fled Q
543. I . . . thee mercy] F; O I . . . you mercie, I did mistake Q
544. There . . . thine] F; Ratcliffe reward him, for the blow I gaue him Q
545. proclaimed] F; giuen out Q
546. Reward to . . . the traitor in] F; Rewardes for . . . in Buckingham Q
547. lord] F; liege Q
549. in Yorkshire] F only
549. are] F; are vp Q
550. But . . . Highness] F; Yet . . . grace Q
551. by tempest] F only
552. Dorsetshire] F; Dorshire Q
553. Unto the shore, to . . . those . . . banks] F; to . . . them. . . . shore Q
557. his course again] F; away Q
564. tidings, yet] Q; Newes, but yet F; newes, yet Q6
568. SD Flourish] F only

0. Scene 5] Ed.; Scena Quarta F
0. SD Enter] F; Entee Q
0. SD and] F only
1 and hereafter in this scene. SP STANLEY] Ed.; Der. F; Dar. Q
2. the . . . deadly] F; this . . . bloudie Q
4. off] F corr.; oft F uncorr.
5. holds off] F; with holdes Q
6. So . . . gone] F only
6–8. Commend . . . daughter] F; after “lord” in line
19 in
Q, reading commend me to him, | Tell him, the Queene hath hartelie consented, | He shall . . . daughter Q
10. Pembroke] Q; Penbroke F
10. Ha’rfordwest] Ed.; Hertford West F; Harford-west Q
12. SP CHRISTOPHER] F; S. Christ. Q
15. And Rice ap] F; Rice vp Q
16. And . . . other of great name] F; With . . . moe of noble fame Q
17. do they . . . power] F; they doe . . . course Q
19. Well . . . hand] F; Retourne vnto thy Lord, commend me to him Q
20. My letter] F; These letters Q

0. SD This ed.; Enter Buckingham with Halberds, led to Execution. F; Enter Buckingham to execution. Q
2 and hereafter in this scene. SP SHERIFF] F; Rat. Q
2. good] F only
3. Grey and Rivers] F; Riuers, Gray Q
10. fellow] F; fellowes Q
11. is] F; is my Lord Q
13. which] F; that Q
15. and] F; or Q
15. wife’s] F, Q (wiues)
17. whom . . . trusted] F; I trusted most Q
20. which] F; that Q
24. in] F; on Q
24. bosoms] F; bosome Q
25. Thus . . . falls . . . neck] F; Now . . . is fallen vpon my head Q
25. neck] F corr. (necke); neeke F uncorr.
26. quoth] F; quorh Q
29. lead me, officers] F; sirs, conuey me Q
30. SD This ed.; Exeunt Buckingham with Officers. F; omit Q

0. SD F; Enter Richmond with drums and trumpets Q
12. Is] F; Lies Q
12. center] Q; Centry F
13. Near] Q; Ne’re F
18. SP OXFORD] F; I Lo. Q
18. men] F; swordes Q
19. this guilty] F; that bloudie Q
20. SP HERBERT] F; 2 Lo. Q
20. turn] F; flie Q
21. SP BLUNT] F; 3 Lo. Q
21. what] F; who Q
22. dearest . . . fly] F; greatest . . . shrinke Q
25. makes] F; make Q
25. SD F; Exit. Q

0. SD F; Enter King Richard, Norffolke, Ratcliffe, Catesbie, with others. Q
1. tent] F; tentes Q
2. My . . . sad] F; Whie, how now Catesbie, whie lookst thou so bad Q
3. SP SURREY] F; Cat. Q
4. F; Norffolke, come hether Q
5. F only
7. loving] F; gracious Q
8. tent] F; tent there Q
10. traitors] F; foe Q
11. utmost] F, Q corr.; greatest Q uncorr.
11. power] F; number Q
12. battalia] F; battalion Q
14. faction] F; partie Q
14. want] F corr.; went F uncorr.
15. the . . . noble] F; my tent there, valiant Q
16. ground] F; field Q
18. lack] F; want Q
19. SD Sir William . . . tent] F (which reads “and Dorset”); with the Lordes, &c. Q
21. track] Q; Tract F
22. token] F; signall Q
23. Sir . . . you] F; Where is Sir . . . he Q
24–27. F; after line
46 in
Q, reading strength for power
28–29. F only
29. you] Ed.; your F
30. keeps] F; keepe Q
34. captain . . . me] F; Blunt before thou goest Q
35. do you] F; doest thou Q
41–42. F; Good captaine Blunt beare my good night to him Q
43. note] F; scrowle Q
45. F only
46. F; Farewell good Blunt Q
47. gentlemen] F only
49. my] F; our Q
49. dew] F; aire Q
49. 1st SD F only, reading “They withdraw. . . .”
49. 2nd SD F; Enter king Richard, Norff. Ratcliffe Catesbie, &c. Q
50. is ’t] F; is Q
51. F; It is sixe of clocke, full supper time Q
52–end of play. Q is the basis of this edition
52, 77, 220–369. SP RICHARD] Ed.; King. Q, F
56 and hereafter (with exceptions noted in the preceding note). SP RICHARD] F; King. Q (192 King Ri.)
57. sentinels] F; centinell Q
60. SD F only
61. Catesby] Q; Ratcliffe F
62. SP CATESBY] Ed.; Rat. Q, F
73. thou] Q; omit F
73. Lord] Q (Lo.)
85 and hereafter in this scene. SP STANLEY] Ed.; Darby Q, F
85. sit] Q (set); sit F, Q2–6
86. SP RICHMOND] Ed.; Rich. Q, F
88. loving] Q; Noble F, Q3–6
91. that.] ~^ Q
99. doubtful] doubful Q; doubtfull F
106. sundered] Q (sundried)
109. SP RICHMOND] Ed.; Rich. Q; Riehm. F
110. thoughts] Q; noise F
113. SD Exunt. Q; Exeunt. Manet Richmond. F
120. the] Q; thy F, Q3–5
122. Ere] F; Eare Q
123. 1st SD F only
123. 2nd SD young] Q; omit F, Q3–6
123. 2nd SD to] F, Q2–6; omit Q
123. 2nd SD Harry] Q; Henry F, Q2–6
123. 2nd SD Sixth] F, Q3–6; sixt, to Ri. Q
124. SD to Richard] Q, F (to Ri.)
125. stabbed’st] Ed.; stabst Q, F
128. SD To Richmond.] Q (To Rich.); Ghost to Richm. F
132. SD to Richard] Q (to Ri.); omit F
133. deadly] Q; omit F, Q2–6
136, 144. SD To Richmond.] Q (To Rich.); F (To Richm.)
138. thy] Q; omit F
138. sleep.] ~^ Q
139. sit] Q (set); sit F
147. battle.] ~^ Q
148. SP GHOST OF RIVERS] Ed.; King. Q; Riu. F, Q3–6
153. SD Richmond] Ed.; Ri. Q; Richm. F
154. Will] F, Q2–6; Wel Q
154. SD–163. Enter . . . flourish.] Q; placed after line
168 in
155. GHOSTS . . . to Richard] Ed.; Ghost to Ri. Q; Ghosts F
156. lead] Q; laid F, Q2–6
158. souls bid] Q; soule bids F
159. SD To Richmond.] Q (To Rich.); Ghosts to Richm. F
163. SD Hastings] Q; Lord Hastings F
167. SD To Richmond.] Ed.; To Rich. Q; Hast. to Rich. F
168. England’s] F; Engiands Q
168. SD Lady] Q only
169. SD,
178 SD. GHOST . . . Richard] Ed.; Ghost to Rich. F; omit Q
171. perturbations] F; preturbations Q
173. sword.] Ed.; ~^ Q
174. SD,
184 SD. To Richmond.] Ed.; To Rich. Q; Ghost to Rich. F
178. SP Ed.; Ghost F
188. fall] F; fals Q
188. SD starteth up] Q; starts F
188. SD a] Q; his F
189. SP RICHARD] F; King Ri. Q
192. now] Q; not F, Q2–6
194. What^ . . . fear?] Q; ~? . . . ~^ F
195. am] F, Q2–6; and Q
203. villain] Q; Vlllaine F
208. Perjury, perjury] Q; Periurie F, Q3–6
211. Throng] Q; Throng all F, Q3–6
213. will] Q; shall F, Q3–6
214. And] Q; Nay F
220. Zounds] Q; omit F
224–26. Q; omit F
233. day.] ~^ Q
234. eavesdropper] Ed.; ease dropper Q, F
235. see] Q; heare F, Q3–6
235. 1st SD Richard and Ratcliffe] F only
235. 2nd SD in his tent] F (sitting in his Tent); omit Q
236. SP LORDS] Q3–6; Lo. Q; Richm. F
237 and hereafter throughout this scene. SP RICHMOND] Ed.; Rich. Q, F
239. SP A LORD] Ed.; Lo. Q; Lords. F
242. departure] F; depature Q
246. soul] Q; heart F
249. SP A LORD] Ed.; Lo. Q, F
257. Richard^ except,] ~, ~^ Q; (~ ~) F
265. foil] Q; soile F, Q3–6
269. in] F; ln Q
270. sweat] Q; sweare F, Q3–6
285. SD Ratcliffe, and Soldiers] Ed.; Rat. &c. Q; Ratcliffe, and Catesby. F
290. SD The] Q only
296–97. somebody. | Ratcliffe] F; some bodie Rat. Q
299. not] F; nor Q
310. out all] Q only
314. this] Q; the F, Q3–6
315. follow] Q; fllow F
316. main] matne Q; maine F
318. boot] F, Q3–6; bootes Q
320. SD Q only
324. SP A] Ed.; King. A Q, F
325. unto] Q; to F
327. Conscience is but a] Q; For Conscience is a F; Conscience is a Q3–6
329. conscience,] F; ~ ^ Q
331. SD Q only
334. rascals] rascols Q; rascals F
338. to you] Q; you to F, Q2–6
339. wives] Q (wifes); wiues F
343. milksop] Q (milkesopt)
355. in] Q; on F, Q3–6
357. SD F only
359. Fight] Q; Right F, Q3–6
359. bold] Q; boldly F, Q2–6
363. SD F only
373. them!] them ^ Q; them, F
373. helms] Q; helpes F, Q3, 5–6
373. SD Q only

6. SD Alarums] F only

0. SD Alarum] Q; Alatum F
0. SD Then. . . . Flourish] then retrait being sounded Q; Retreat, and Flourish F
0. SD with other] Q; with diuers other F
0. SD and Soldiers] &c. Q
1 and hereafter throughout this scene. SP RICHMOND] F (Richm.); Ri. or Rich. Q
3 and hereafter. SP STANLEY] Ed.; Dar. Q; Der. F
4. this . . . royalty] Q; these . . . Royalties F; this . . . royalties Q2–6
4. royalty ^] ~. Q
7. enjoy it] Q; omit F, Q3–6
11. if it please you, we may now] Q; (if you please) we may F
13. SP STANLEY] F (Der.); omit Q
13. Walter] F; Water Q
13. Ferrers] Ed.; Ferris Q, F
14. Brakenbury] Ed.; Brookenbury Q; Brokenbury F
15. becomes] Ed.; become Q, F
32. their] Q; thy F, Q3–6
41. SD F only